
Palmas topographic map

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About this map

Name: Palmas topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Palmas, Região Geográfica Imediata de Pato Branco, Região Geográfica Intermediária de Cascavel, Paraná, South Region, 85555-000, Brazil (-26.59934 -52.17824 -26.24345 -51.51190)

Average elevation: 1,045 m

Minimum elevation: 696 m

Maximum elevation: 1,320 m

Palmas is a municipality in the south of the Brazilian state of Paraná. Palmas is located in the mountainous area of Paraná and is in the mesoregion of South-Central Paraná. Palmas is the capital of the microregion of the same name. The population is 51,755 (2020 est.) in an area of 1557.90 km2. The elevation is 1,056 m.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

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